Santi Maha Sangha

The Precious Vase, Instructions of the Base of Santi Maha Sangha

The Santi Maha Sangha (SMS) Training is a study and practice course in nine levels, which was started by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1993. In the ancient Oddiyana language, Santi Maha Sangha means Dzogchen Community.

The goal of SMS Training is to prepare Dzogchen practitioners to gain personal knowledge based on concrete experience through intensive and in-depth practice of Dzogchen. The study and practice of SMS are important to ensure the continuity of Dzogchen knowledge and teaching for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Speaking about SMS, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu said: ”For many years I have transmitted this teaching, and for many years many of you have been following this teaching and we collaborate with each other. We are still developing and therefore there is no consideration of an end or limitation, because samsara continues infinitely. So we must continue to transmit the understanding and knowledge of this teaching. This is the responsibility of all of us … In the future there will be qualified people who can teach, help and continue the transmission which they have received in the correct way. This is a way of producing qualified people … Even if you do not participate in Santi Maha Sangha, you need to understand its value. I am really working hard for it. I am living for this…”

Since Chögyal Namkhai Norbu’s passing in 2018, the SMS program has continued thanks to the dedication and commitment of those practitioners who had already completed the first three levels. They have continued to meet for collective study and practice under the guidance of the SMS teachers authorized by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.

Currently, there is no opportunity to take SMS exams.  However, there is the possibility to deepen one’s knowledge of the complete teachings of Garab Dorje, the first teacher to reintroduce the Dzogchen teachings into our dimension in our time including, the series of Semde, Longde, and Upadesha, and the essential theory and practice of Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen. Deepening this knowledge leads to greater understanding, clarity, and wisdom.

Practitioners interested in studying the SMS Base Level can contact their Gar or Ling for information on upcoming SMS courses and retreats. Prerequisites for participation are transmission from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu or Namkhai Yeshi, membership in the International Dzogchen Community (IDC), and a willingness to support the Dzogchen community through Karma Yoga.

Any suitable activity offered for the benefit of the Dzogchen Community is considered Karma Yoga, provided it is done upon request or in consultation with the Gakyils of the IDC and related associations (Shang Shung Institutes, Shang Shung Publications, and A.S.I.A.).

For SMS Base Level Practices and SMS Instructors please visit

A Gakyil which invites an SMS teacher to hold a course must cover his or her travel, food, and lodging expenses, but is not obliged to give a remuneration because the SMS teaching activity is a service for the Community. However, the Gakyil can decide to give the teacher an offering or gift congruent with the circumstances of that branch of the Community.

SMS teachers – SMS instructors Febr 2024

To know more: Chögyal Namkhai Norbu about SMS: Rinpoche-on-SMS-ENG-2008


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