Which are the major points we need to address to align our Gar or Ling with the IDC? What make us aligned?
The prerequisites for being Aligned are that a Gar or Ling has modified its statute in order to comply with the requirements of the IDC Statute and has signed the Protocol for the Affiliation of Gar/Ling and agreed to operate according to the Affiliation Agreements (one for use of Trademark & Logo, one for Membership Agreement). This may mean that their legal incorporation documents will need be revised to be compatible with both local laws and the terms of the IDC Statute (and related documents). Gar and Ling Statute Templates can be found here http://dzogchencommunity.org/documents/
E-mail idc.ig.secretariat@gmail.com for more information.
Posted in: International Dzogchen Community (IDC) and International Gakyil (IG)