Continuation of Teachings Recordings webcast
Dear members of the Dzogchen Community, We want to thank you for all those beautiful emails with positive feedback on Ödser Chenma teachings recordings webcast that you have sent during past weeks! We are happy to announce that we will continue webcasts of the teaching recordings of our precious Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu! |
The next teaching that we are going to stream on the Webcast webpage will be the Kunsang Monlam, “The Invocation of Samantabhadra” Retreat that Rinpoche gave on July 24-28, 2015 at Kunsangar North. It will be available from April 14 to April 22. |

Here is what Rinpoche said about this Teaching:
“This is the essence of the Dzogchen teaching. It came from the tantra called the ‘Naked State of Samantabhandra’. In this tantra, this invocation is contained in the ninth chapter and all principles of the Dzogchen teaching are explained there. This is the teaching of Dharmakaya Samantabhadra and this invocation is not only for learning the sense of the Teaching but particularly for practice. It shows and explains how we should apply the knowledge of Dzogchen teaching. So, I thought this invocation is something very important we should learn”.
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, at a retreat in Kunsangar South, 19-26 July 2013.

“The Tibetan term “monlam” here rendered as “invocations,” means to express a wish in order that it may come true. Literally, compositions are known as “monlam,” very widespread in Tibetan Buddhism, are often pronounced by practitioners due to the power it is believed they possess.
The ‘Invocation of Samantabhadra’ belongs to the cycle of the Northern Treasures (Byang gter) discovered by the tertön Rigdzin Godem Chen (rGod ldem can, 1337 – 1409)”.
‘Dzogchen Invocations’, Shang Shung Edizioni, 1999

You can order e-Book “The Invocation of Samantabhadra” with the text of the practice from Shang Shung Publications: in English by following this link on SSF website (sign-in will be required). in Russian be following this link on SSP Russia website |
You could also see some nice photos from this retreat on – |
If you missed the Odzer Chenma retreat of 2015, HERE you can listen to the audio-recordings of the Teachings! |
If you would like to support the organization of the webcasts of Teachings recordings, you could use PayPal – donation in USD / donation in EUR. Also, you could request bank details for bank transfer by sending a letter to |
With love, Webcast Team, Dzamling Gar Gakyils and International Gakyils. |
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