Yellow Gakyil report for August

fundraising schemeThe IDC Organisational Project Outputs that the International Yellow Gakyil (Yellow IG) are responsible for are divided into three categories; Fund Raising, Membership, Finance & Accounting Systems.  We have a number of individual task objectives within each of these three categories that, if achieved, should result in our overall Output goals being achieved.

At the current stage, we have established the relevant Committees and are recruiting skilled individuals from amongst Community members.  The Fund Raising Committee has had several meetings and is growing.  The other two Committees will also soon become more active.  At the IDC level, we have appointed our external Accountant and Consultant.  The next step for the Accounting Committee is to obtain the list of all external accountants used by the Community in different countries.  Together with this list of external accountants, we will invite all Yellow Gakyil members entrusted with managing Community accounts to join the Accounting Committee.

membership management system

For the Membership Committee, we remain at present still focused on defining various types of membership and analysing our membership base.  Getting the membership pricing and category formula correct is likely to be the most difficult task, and we are therefore approaching this delicate subject with care.

We will keep our Yellow Timeline graphs on the website and will announce timeline and accounting system

In addition to this general information report, we will release a fund raising summary for Dzamling Gar (DG).  As most of you are aware, IG Yellow has been responsible for the “start-up” fundraising for Dzamling Gar.  This will continue to be the case until the new DG legal entity is fully established according to Spanish law, and until we reach a full DG Gakyil of 9 members.  At present, the extensive retreat and events schedule for Tenerife is stretching the 3-member DG Gakyil to its limits.  We are happy to be a supportive team for them at this important juncture in Dzamling Gar’s evolution.

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